Who are you, Mr. Daniel Craig?

He is the new James Bond. Or I should say the latest Bond, James Bond. He's my generation's James Bond. I watched Casino Royale, and even if there was another one before, for me this will always be THE Casino Royale movie, when Bond gets his "wings" (well his 00) and becomes 007. Very nice and smooth James Bond. First ever blond Bond. I like him. What more can you ask from a Bond character: Brittish (of course), slim, toned, blue-eyed guy, blond but tough, he has his way with women, he's got a great body, but not a Schwarzenegger type, more like of a teenager, he's not too young, but not too old either, and he has one of the most gorgeous mouths I've ever seen, with a naughty upper lip that can drive a woman crazy. A very good Bond, if you ask me. I have never in my life fallen for an actor after seeing just one of his movies. But this Daniel guy, well, he got to me. And I started watching other movies he made, I surfed the Internet searching for more information about him, I rented DVDs, I was trying to get as much information about him as possible.
I have a long list of movies he made that I would like to see, I even registered for an e-mail update on a movie to be released only in December 2007, one year from now! with Nicole Kidman.
What other movies must I see with Daniel Craig? The list includes:
- The Mother (2003)
- Enduring Love (2004)
- Sylvia (with Gwyneth Paltrow)
- Road to Perdition (2002) with Tom Hanks and Paul Newman
- Imfamous (2006) with a lot of famous actors, like Sigourney Weaver and Sandra Bullock, and Gwyneth Paltrow again
Feel free to add to this list.
And, by the way, I just got a new desktop with Mr. Craig, or should I say Bond, James Bond?
It's funny how an infatuation like this works: I have to remember myself that I liked him every once in a while, so I kept a magazine that has on its cover a picture of him. Very nice picture.
Because I see other movies, with other actors who resemble him, you know, blond British guy, and I wonder? do I still like Daniel? Is he still special for me? I guess.
The thing is that now I am more and more interested in British stuff, more than I used to be. I am listening to a gay guy from London, Mika, and I just love his music. And I am reading like a crazy woman bok after book by a British author, her name is Sophie Kinsella. The only problem is that, after the initial interest in the novelty of anything in this British world, I get tired, and everything seems familiar, like Daniel Craig, or Mika or the Shopaholic series of novels. Keeping me interested is a certain thing is pretty chalenging. I will never write a series of books, all the same...
Not to mention another English guy, a couple of years later who is kind of like my own James Bond. In a way. In a weird way.
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