First impressions

First post of the 21st century blog on October 21st, 2006.
This is me in the 21st century. I'm in Canada, and this picture was taken in Niagara Falls earlier this year.
Why 21st century? Because I like the idea of being a part of a new era, living the changes and experiencing "history in making".
This blog is opened for everybody who wants to share their opinion about Canada, Romania, changes in the 21st century, science-fiction, literature and challenges of the world today.
So, welcome to my blog!
I am trying to find out how this blog thing works, so don't mind me if I keep adding posts to my own blog until I get the hang of it.
Blogging is not on my list of interests, but I am trying hard to keep up with the 21st century's discoveries of the world. Wht not enjoy the benefits of living such great times?
I had the perfect age when the world walked into the 21st century: 24. I knew Internet, computers, sci-fi literature, sci-fi movies, and I had an open mind to whatever was to come. This is the key ingredient of my existence: enjoy every step of the way. And take advantage (in a positive sense, not the French one) of whatever it is you are going through. Life's good! Too good to be constantly complaining about it.
From time to time, you will certainly find me complaining about life, of course, but I'll make a promise here: every complaint of mine must have a positive or evolutive outcome.
Inca ceva, din cand in cand, ca acum de exemplu, cand ma voi plictisi de scris in engleza, limba asta internationala si utilizata peste tot, voi scrie si in romaneste, pentru cei ce vor sa citeasca in romaneste si sa-mi scrie in romaneste. Daca vreti, puteti sa-mi scrieti in engleza, franceza, spaniola, italiana, poate chiar si germana cu un pic de efort din parte mea, si, bineinteles, in romaneste. Multiculturalitatea asta o aveam inainte de secolul 21 si inainte de Canada.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada - 21st century
Let's "talk" about Montreal today. I mean, I write and you read, if you like. I also had the perfect age when I came to Montreal: 28. I was full of hopes, and dreams (as usual), and I was thinking Montreal is the place to live in the 21st century. But, surprise! Montreal is just another city of the world. Well, of course I wasn't expecting New York, but still I really thought the difference between Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania (where I used to live before) and Montreal, Quebec would be huge. Well, it's not. Sorry about that. I guess we take our lives with us wherever we go. This is a lesson life has taught me. Hapiness is not something you search for out in the world, but within yourself.
(I should be adding philosophy to my interests on this blog...)
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