Relationships in the 21st century
I just discovered that relationships are a very important part in every day's life. I include here a sexual relationship, a work one, a friendship as well, and so many other types.Let's talk about marriage, or that kind of relationship that you have with someone you live. You'll never find the perfect companion, or at least after a year nobody will seem so perfect as they did before. So, why bother? The most important thing in a relationship is the relationship itself, it's not who you are, each of you, is what you both get from the relation built between the two of you. This is the question you should be asking: "is this relationship worth it?" and not "is this man/woman worthy of me?" This is wrong and selfish and it'll get you nowhere.
When you're in your 20s, you go to a party and you ask yourself "will they like me?". But when you're in your 30s, when you go to a party you only ask yourself "will I like them?". It's all about self-esteem. At 30, you don't need someone else to tell you that you're OK, to make you feel good about yourself. One of the smartest things I've heard in the 21st century.
Love is vanity. You see yourself through the eyes of the person you love, or the person who loves you, and it feels good. That's why, in the beginning of a relationship, everything is fine, because the other one will only be discovering the good parts of yourself, and you will be seeing only the perfect self that you need to see when you're in love. But then again, as time goes by, the love or the flame or whatever it was there in the beginning, is no longer feeding your vanity, and you start to show less interesting parts about yourself. Only when you finally decide to love yourself without someone else's help, this feeling of vanity will no longer be of use to you. But then again, you still need it from time to time...
It's funny how relationships seem to be important ever since you are a teenager. To me, relationships with the opposite sex only became important after, let's say, the age of 20. I might have been delaid in some way. But I see now that teenagers go through the same thing earlier in life, their thoughts are deeper, their concerns bigger, or more mature I should say.
I wouldn't want to be a teenager again. I wouldn't mind being 24 again, but not a teenager. I guess you just want to go back to the best in your past life, not to something that caused you troubles.
But, as a conclusion, I wouldn't change one thing in my past life, and I don't feel sorry about living it the way I did.
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