Me, myself and I
Not very original, I know. It's just that I found a very nice description of my sign on the Internet, and I want to keep it somewhere cause it's really good and it fits me perfectly.Pisces zodiacal signs explained
Because you exist on a high spiritual plane, finding a compatible mate can be challenging. It is necessary, though, because your feelings are so deep and intense that it would be unthinkable for you to exist without it. Not only that, but the right mate can also provide the pragmatic strength and common sense that you so desperately need to help organize your lif e, since you spend all of your time creating and experiencing the gamut of your emotions. That ideal mate is your zodiacal opposite, Virgo, as long as it's a Virgo who is aspected to a more sensitive degree-i.e., one that understands your depth of feeling and appreciates your creative world. In return, you get a devoted care-giver, a smart, sensible bill-payer, and hopefully, one that can inspire you to success with his or her ideals, as opposed to tearing you down with harsh criticism. If you're selective, it will work wonderfully. Your secondary partnerships are with your water-sign relatives, Cancer and Scorpio. The former will understand your deep emotional nature, and support you with his or her strength-that outer shell. The latter will attract you immediately, and vice-versa, but has a strong chance of wandering off later. Those signs not compatible with you are Aries (too aggressive and harsh), Gemini (too prone to variety, and not sympathetic to your needs), and Leo (although you are easily led by him or her, you are also easily cast aside).
Positive qualities of a Pisces
Joie de vivre. Joy of life. You are the most free-spirited sign of all, and the most aware of experiencing all that life has to offer, right here right now. Those two fish in your hieroglyph are the only truly happy symbols in the zodiac, and so you too are naturally carefree and playful.
Your imagination is the most fertile of all the zodiac signs as well. The rest of us rely on you to dazzle us with your flights of fancy, either with words or visuals. There are more poets in your sign than in any other. You're the artists of the zodiac, and the list of famous Piscean creators proves it.
You also have an immense sense of sympathy for others. If someone near you is in pain, you feel it just as intensely. You simply have to lend your help and understanding because your world is not right until you help cure it. For this, you are prized as a friend.
As the twelfth sign of the zodiac, you are considered to be on the highest spiritual plane, and so you are naturally more intuitive than all other signs-perhaps even psychic. You're on a quest for spiritual peace-in your mind it's the ultimate calling of mankind, and you'll probably spend your life trying to attain it. You certainly have the best chance of finding it.
Pisces - Origin and representation
Pisces is depicted by two playful fish, frolicing head-to-tail in a counter-clockwise direction, although it is also shown as two fish facing opposite directions linked by a band. Egyptian astrologers believed the constellation Pegasus was a boat that pulled the two fish underneath it -- hence the band.
In Greek astrology, the Pisces story is similar to that of Capricorn. Venus and Cupid were supposedly playing innocently by a river when they were approached by a monster (the same one, in fact, that threatened Capricorn). Like Capricorn, they dove into the river for safety, at which time the goddess Minerva took pity on them and lifted them into the heavens for posterity.
The significant aspects to this myth are many. First of all, Venus represents pure love and Cupid mischief in romance, both of which are strongly present in the Piscean character. Secondly, the two were saved by water -- hence Pisces is a water sign, occuring during the time of year when rainfall is most plentiful. In fact, Jesus Christ was born in the Piscean age (time itself travels through ages of the zodiac which affect us all), promised to wash away man's sins, and is often represented by a fish; he also fed multitudes of people with two fish and five loaves, magically turning them into twelve baskets of food, which astrologers believe to be symbolic of the Piscean trait of great spiritual love to all twelve zodiac signs. Finally, Minerva is the goddess of wisdom and patroness of the arts; so Pisceans are spiritually wise and immensely creative.
Pisces is ruled by both Jupiter and Neptune, both of which govern the imagination and emotions, as opposed to practical matters. As a result, Pisceans are the most sensitive, creative, and adaptable of all the signs, but the least organized. In the anatomical realm, Pisces rules the feet and toes, the foundation on which the entire body is supported. This is ironic, because Pisceans are not considered strong people, either physically or emotionally. But just as each sign is assigned a part of the body, so each is also assigned a stage of man's life; the ancients believed that Aries' immature selfishness resembles the first stage of childhood, and that therefore Pisces' spiritual wisdom represents the final stage of maturity. Indeed, there is a great deal of strength -- albeit a misunderstood one -- in spiritual wisdom.
Pisces -- Physical Qualities and Activities
You are not known for your size. In fact, most Pisceans are quite frail and soft -- not necessarily overweight, but just not muscular or firm in any sense.
As with your tendency towards alcohol and drug abuse, you tend to rely on medicines a bit too much, because your body does not have the constitution to fight oft annoying viruses as well as it should. But you may find that more natural treatments suit you better, and the holistic sciences in general satisfy your desire to exist on a higher spiritual plane.
You are not an athlete, but you love to move gracefully. Because Pisces is associated with the feet and movement, many of the world's great ballet dancers -- Nijinsky and Nureyev, for example -- are Pisceans. You also enjoy swimming, because it's both a water activity and a graceful way to move.
Interestingly, you probably are also fascinated by movies. Film and photography are very Piscean activities. Emotionally, you are extremely sensitive, just like film. You pick up everything, so this enables you to understand film -- and especially film that moves -- deeply.
Pisces -- Troubles
You are sensitive to a fault. The slightest out-of-earshot whisper or behind-the-back rumor will floor you. You're a water sign, but unlike the other two -- Cancer and Scorpio -- you have no outer shell to protect you. So instead, you swim away. Your defense is to hide, either shutting yourself off in a room or, if that's not possible, withdrawing mentally into your potent imagination. This is how you write most of your poetry, or paint your most passionate pieces-in a highly-charged, defensive emotional state that's often triggered by an overheard comment or casual criticism.
Your other defense mechanism is to disappear. You have the uncanny ability to quietly metamorphosize into the walls, becoming unapproachable and therefore reasonably invisible to anyone else in the vicinity.
Both of these reactions, obviously, are dangerously anti-social. If channeled creatively, they can be quite therapeutic, but if not, you need a strong balancing force -- either a mate or close friend with a strong foundation, or even therapy.
This state can also lead to an overabuse of drugs or alcohol. You don't have the constitution, either physically or emotionally, to withstand their affects, and you become addicted easily. You tend to resort to them much too quickly, and the problem just worsens from there.
On a more practical level, you tend to lack self-discipline. Some would say you're just plain lazy, but it's more that you're not interested in mundane facts or routines. You're so involved in your imaginative world that things like bills and responsibilities are a lesser priority. Here again, you need the balance of a mate who is business-minded and pragmatic.
Finally, you have a hard time making up your mind about anything. You are a wonderful adapter, a chameleon even -- if you're interested in someone who is passionate about, say, gardening, you immediately will learn everything there is to know about gardening, so you can enjoy it with them. Most of the time, though, you'll find that you'll soon lose interest and something else will fascinate you. That's okay, as long as those around you understand and appreciate your free-spirited playfulness. If not, find someone who does.
Pisces - Preferences
Since you don't have a strong foundation either physically, emotionally, or interpersonally, you reflect this in a lack of an announced style. You often wear clothes that don't match, or clothes that just blend in with the pack. You're indecisive about it. You'll go through stages in life, even from day to day, where you try this or that, never really landing on a look of your own. That's okay. You're more concerned with creating, and attaining spiritual enlightenment, so who cares what you're wearing? Pisceans are the most likely sign to enter a monastery or an eastern religion, and where personal style is utterly meaningless and trivial. That makes more sense to you.
One famous Piscean, Albert Einstein, spent his entire life discovering, creating, and philosophizing —- this is what made him one of history's great men. The fact that his hair was always completely disheveled simply added to his appeal —- he couldn't be bothered with combing it when such brilliant matters were on his mind.
Since you're the most emotional of all the signs, you prefer things that resonate emotionally to you. You don't care if the furniture in your home matches, but you care greatly if an old chair has sentimental value. That's the key: any inanimate object in your life is prized for its emotional content, or of whom it reminds you.
Even your taste in food is governed by emotions, although you obviously have a bias towards a diet that's high in water content —-such as soft, liquidy rice and pasta dishes, fruits and vegetables —- as well as seafood. More importantly, though, if a particular food reminds you of someone, or a special place in time, you'll experience it more deeply, a trait that's truly unique to you among the zodiac.
Anul 2007 nu ar trebui sa fie pentru Pesti cu mult diferit de 2006. Viata nu va fi roz-bombon, dar nu va puteti plange ca ar fi nici macar gri, daramite neagra!
Familia ar trebui sa se bucure in continuare de sprijinul dv. tacit. Nu faceti caz de cei carora le intindeti o mana de ajutor!!! In plus, nu le puteti cere nici sa va fie recunoscatori pe viata! Interactiunile cu persoane noi va lasa rece, in schimb va sunt tot mai dragi cei apropiati si tindeti sa faceti totul pentru ei. Aveti grija insa, nativi Pesti in posturi de raspundere, nu va privilegiati apropiatii in defavoarea altora mai indreptatiti, caci riscati nici mai mult nici mai putin decat locul de munca! Oricum serviciul dv. nu mai este foarte sigur acum. Ori dv. intentionati sa faceti schimbari in acest domeniu, ori pur si simplu veti afla ca nu mai este nevoie de dv., cert este ca in marea majoritate a cazurilor sfarsitul lui 2007 nu ii va mai gasi pe Pesti la locul de munca pe care il ocupau la inceputul anului. Ideea este sa stiti sa gestionati orice criza in acest domeniu cu calm si intelepciune, pentru a evita dureri sufletesti inutile.
In dragoste lucrurile nu stau chiar asa de bine cum aveti dv. impresia. Un partener dintr-o zodie de Aer va poate prezenta o imagine fidela a realitatii. Si nu e totul foarte placut din cauza ca tindeti sa va neglijati perechea in favoarea celorlalti multi care au nevoie de dv. Pestii fara partener se indreapta in 2007 mai degraba spre persoane complet opuse lor din punct de vedere al temperamentului si chiar al educatiei. In general atractia catre persoane decazute, dezamagite, cu probleme de sanatate si de viata majore sunt, culmea, preferate, celor "normale". Sunteti mana lor de ajutor o perioada, dar riscati adesea sa va scufundati si dv. in mocirla. Oricum, nu in 2007 isi gasesc Pestii jumatatea cu care sa-si imparta viata.
In ceea ce priveste sanatatea astrele sunt rezervate. Ranile sufletesti vor fi mai mari decat cele fizice daca nu stiti sa va indepartati la timp de amici de ocazie care profita de dv. In rest, doar vechi probleme care raman la nivel acut va vor deranja din cand in cand. Abia din noiembrie incolo ar trebui sa va asteptati la scaderea brusca a imunitatii care va avea drept consecinte boli prin care poate nu ati trecut niciodata pana acum.
The Birth Sign of Pisces is ruled by Neptune. The Pisces symbol, featuring a pair of fish swimming head to tail in a circle is representative of life after death or reincarnation. Pisces are governed by a duality, a struggle of the spiritual soul within the physical body.
Pisces are the most impressionable of the twelve zodiac signs. Deeply empathetic, they often exhibit a gentle, patient nature, but one that is in want of inspiration. Pisces can be deeply affected by and completely absorbed into their environment.
Pisces adapt well to their circumstances, both good and bad. They are generous, amiable, positive natured people with a deep sense of kindness and compassion. Pisces are highly tuned in to everything around them including the feelings of others. Pisces are socially popular because of their easygoing and likable manner. They have an uncanny sense of perceiving what a person wants or needs, and delivering it. Pisces are reflexive, preferring to allow circumstances and events to unfold and, only then responding.
Pisces are not typical people. They are too idealistic and impractical for every day run of the mill living. Pisces are sensitive and instinctual rather than bookish or mechanical. When Pisces find the right situations, they are capable of some incredible deeds. Pisces completely and wholly engage in a chosen path, to the exclusion of everything else. This obsessive compulsive energy can be healthy and not. Pisces can be workaholics (and other kind of -aholics too).
Pisces excel in situations where they can leverage their imaginative and intuitive nature. They are exceptionally gifted artistically. Pisces are often intensely interested and skilled at a wide variety of things and tend to learn by absorption as opposed to logic. Pisces are loyal, family oriented, kind and giving. They are receptive to new ideas and circumstances. Pisces have an uncanny ability to nurture and support which is directly related to their powerful intuition.
Pisces make profound artists of all types because they possess great, vivid imaginations. That powerful creativity is often expressed in music, literature, drama and art. Pisces love style, luxury and pleasure, and are always ready for new adventures. When Pisces travel, they enjoy unique, exotic, luxurious places as well as modest, indigenous settings where like to live as the locals do.
Main positive personality traits: Uncommon ability to instinctively respond to given situations; compassionate; understanding; artistic, sacrificing.
Pisces are often scatterbrains. They don't do well in highly structured or regimented situations and generally buck convention. Pisces can be so emotional, needy and intense that they can end up being a real drag to people around them. In business, they can be unreliable, unmotivated, easily distracted, and have their heads in the clouds all the time. The not so nice side of Pisces manifests as being a gossip, indiscreet, and gullible.
Pisces are easily lied to because they so want to believe. No matter how often they are led astray by empty promises, they keep the faith and push on toward their personal ideal. Their dreamy and impractical natures can be a source of distress to those close to them. Being both optimistic and cynical, Pisces find it difficult to make up their minds on any issue.
Main negative personality traits: Lazy, impractical, unrealistic, fearful, emotionally restrained, melancholy.
In the career department, Pisces are often better working for themselves than for someone else. Their innate sympathy equips them for careers in charity, catering to the needy, as a nurse, looking after the sick, or as a veterinarian, caring for animals.
Pisces have an intrinsic love of water, and are particularly well-suited towards jobs that keep them near the sea. Pisces notable creativity includes a natural ability to imitate or mirror another person as well as enter into their feelings. These attributes also make them incredible character actors, and many Pisceans find great success on stage or in films. It also makes them fantastic salespeople, copywriters, marketing creatives and advertising executives.
The much vaunted Pisces empathy for others makes them very effective in civil service and in the legal arena, particularly as an advocate for the less fortunate. Many police officers, attorneys and judges are Pisces. Their intuitive and metaphysical nature can lead them into careers in religion or to service as mediums and psychics. Owing to Pisces versatility and adaptability, they can often follow several radically different career paths during their lifetime.
When Pisces feel rejected or get the blues, they REALLY get the blues. They may turn to the numbing effects of drugs or alcohol for escape or distraction. Pisces should avoid this for obvious reasons, but particularly because of their highly addictive, compulsive nature. Pisces often develop a variety of vice habits including excessive gambling, compulsive shopping, and overspending.
Pisces can suffer from a general lack of decisiveness and are easily distracted from their purposes. Pisces have a propensity towards depression and lethargy when not feeling fulfilled. They should live in bright, sunny climates, close to the bodies of water. Pisces should engage in exercise and fitness regularly in order to combat melancholy. Pisces must make a concerted effort to avoid their restlessness and desire to do something new in order to succeed and make their life more meaningful.
Pesti - “Functioneaza” numai pe baza de emotii, perceptii, impresii si intuitii. Majoritatea sunt atinsi de “sidromul relativitatii” (Einstein a fost Peste!). Ei stiu ca realitatea nu e niciodata una singura, ci ca are foarte multe fatete. Sunt maestri in “arta aburirii”. Pentru unii alunecosi, pentru altii fascinanti, Pestii sunt plini de toane si de mici manii inofensive.
Au fixurile lor legate de lumea misticului, fantasticului, superstitiei si magiei. Cu toate astea, sunt persoane maleabile, compasive si ingaduitoare, care mai degraba incearca sa-i inteleaga pe ceilalti, decat sa-i judece. Chiar daca sufera, sunt gata sa ierte si au o imensa capacitate de iubire si devotament.
Ceea ce e asa de adevarat ... cel putin despre mine.
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